Messages of encouragement, hope, and impact. Watch Now
Framed through parallels to football and Rocky Bleier’s personal journey as a war veteran, national collegiate football champion, and four-time Super Bowl champion with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Bleier’s story explores both structural and emotional aspects for individuals and organizations to reach their greatest potential.
First 20,000 copies will be autographed by Rocky Bleier!
For decades, Fighting Back served as a shining example of courage and determination for people in all walks of life. Now a special edition of the book that contains two additional chapters is available.
Rocky Bleier, a Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient who has actively supported causes related to military veterans for many years, will donate a portion of the proceeds to Guardian Angel Service Dogs.
A portion of the proceeds benefit the Fighting Back For Veterans Campaign.
To schedule a booking with Rocky Bleier, please contact your Speakers Bureau. For further information on Rocky, you may contact us directly with any questions.